The story of Girls and Boys Town is one of the most heart-warming tales of human endeavour of the 20th Century. It is a story of faith, courage and compassion – one that captured the imagination of the world and changed the way South Africa cares for challenged youth.


Youth, families and communities; South Africa’s strength and future.


Creating opportunities for youth to Shine® – to grow and develop into responsible citizens, able to contribute to family and community life in the spirit of peace, dignity, tolerance, equality and solidarity with others.


• Belief in the uniqueness and potential of every child to mature and grow to responsible adulthood and to Shine™.
• Promotion of spiritual growth and development in our work with youth, families and communities
• A firm belief in the preservation of the family and the value of family life for the well-being of the child
• Commitment to the provision of services based on children’s rights
• Adherence to the principle of non-discrimination in all that we do
• The maintenance of responsible standards in child and youth care practice and care
• Service delivery that is responsive to social conditions and the needs of youth
• The sharing of Girls and Boys Town’s knowledge and skills
• Sound Corporate Governance
• Transparency and accountability to donors and stakeholders
• Ethical fund raising and investing

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